Scatter: Islands and Archipelagos


Scatter is a campus designed for a theoretical North American branch of the European Graduate School (EGS), located in Catskills, NY. The project pushes back on the traditional elements of a campus, proposing speculative future scenario and posing ideas from the perspective of the post-human. Heavily motivated by the concept of designed ruins popularized in 19th century representations of landscapes and structures, core principles of occlusion and manipulated disintegration are used to engage in dialogue about inevitable obliteration and the inherent transience of materials.

Form Families

The first step of the proces is the design of form families. The three categories include shared compounds (dormitories, lecture halls) individual spaces (galleries and meditation rooms) and features
in landscape design (ponds gardens and platforms). These object-like forms provide repeatable palette of ingredients that can be further manipulate in both scale and placement.

Scattering Forms

Striking a balance between human intervention and technology, the campus layout is organized by the blending of ideas of accessibility and form generation animations created through physics engines in the animation software maya. Each program is assigned to a fragment and scattered across the plane, resulting in an
organic, but fixed design principle.

Form-Finding Animation

“Future cities are themselves ruins. Our contemporary
cities are destined to live only a fleeting
moment, give up their energy and return to inert
- Arata Isozaki, Incubation Process, 1962

Path Animation